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Terms of participation
Benefits and risks

There is little risk to this study beyond the inconvenience of spending some time to participate in the study. To assure that the inconvenience is minimal, we have made involvement as brief as possible and you have the option to skip any tasks if you choose. By participating in this project, you will be helping to improve the app for the benefit of its users and the community.

Confidentiality / Anonymity

We will be asking for your email address but will only be using it to send you the follow-up assessments tomorrow and to link your responses. Only the researchers involved in this study will be able to link your email address to these codes. The data collected from you will be securely stored for a minimum of five (5) years after the final use of the data, and when no longer required, destroyed in accordance with CQUniversity policy.

Right to withdraw

Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you do not wish to take part you are under no obligation to do so. You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time, and can do so without prejudice or penalty. If you are a staff member or student at the CQUniversity, your decision whether to take part or not take part, or to withdraw, will not affect your employment, student status, or marks in any way.

Use of data

The results of this study will be published in scientific journals or other relevant publications, and may be presented at research conferences. We may also publish the result of the study via social media and press releases. All result from the study will be presented on the participant group as a whole and we will not publish individual results. As such, it will not be possible to identify any individual participant as a result of publication or presentation of these findings.


Once the study is completed, a plain English statement of the overall results will be available on request.

Concerns / Complaints

If you have concerns or complaints about this research and would like to discuss these with a person who is not part of the research team, please contact the following:

CQUniversity’s Office of Research 

Tel: 07 4923 2603


Mailing address: Building 32 CQUniversity, Rockhampton QLD 4702

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